Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Decisions, decisions....

Just thought I would share a few of my recent finds, some for selling, some for me!

The french cafe chairs have wonderful shabby green paint on them so needless to say I don't want to let them go (my favourite colour) but go they must. The little waste paper basket is genuine Lloyd Loom and was £1 at the car boot. I'm keeping that as well as the couple of vintage childrens books for the collection. There's also a pair of dutch girl & boy prints from the 1930's, a couple of vintage barkcloth cushion covers (like new) and the rose covered sewing box with contents. I can't decide whether to keep the two vintage rosy lampshades with bobble trim? I was looking for a pair for two lamps but I don't really need them....I don't know...I'll chew that one over.

I should really be going to Swinderby (big antiques fair down the road) tomorrow on a buying trip but the weather is so bad I don't know if I'll bother. I only go to Swinderby and not Newark at the moment because it's been free entry for two years! And it's all the same dealers anyway, well mostly. They just pack up and move a few miles down the A46. Pointless! I've never understood why they have the two within a couple of days of each other. Ooops - I seem to be having a moan! By the way, if anybody is interested in any of the above before I list it on the website, let me know and I can do a special 'blog deal' just for you.

Just a couple of days ago, the weather was nice enough to be having my lunch outside and now it's rain, rain, rain...

It's brought all my lupins down on the ground and the lawn is going to be impossible to mow...when it stops raining. Still, everything does look very lush and verdant. And it means whilst I can't be gardening, I can get on and tackle the huge load of ironing that keeps confronting me everytime I go into the utility room....