As this is my last upload of the year I'd like to take this opportunity to say a huge tHaNkYoU! to everybody that's shopped with me this year at This Vintage Life.
I really appreciate each and every order because the website wouldn't exist without you.
There seems to be new vintage shopping opportunities appearing almost weekly so for people to choose to spend their hard earned cash with me when they have other choices is most gratifying. In February the website will be four years old and I like to think we provide good value and great service. That's what we strive for anyway! If you disagree, I'm sure you'll let me know because that's how we get better at what we do. Vintage websites will come and go because if you don't give people what they want, you'll fall by the wayside pretty quickly.
So I'd like to wish everybody a wonderful Christmas and a Happy and peaceful New Year and lets all enjoy another year of great vintage loveliness in 2011!