Thursday, October 27, 2011


I like stuff. I do. Especially useless stuff. It's an affliction and I fear it's terminal. Here's some of the latest stuff to find it's way home with me.

Who was the Victorian lady who wore this I wonder? Somewhat tatty, completely useless but pretty and delicate and worth saving.

I've been looking for one of these teensy little child sized baskets for ages. And then Mr TVL spots this on a high shelf in a charity shop for the grand sum of £1.95!! I wish that happened every day!
I have oodles of these fab crochet covered hangers. Bought to sell but...well, you know the rest. I may be persuaded to add a few to the website soon. Maybe.

(click on picture to enlarge!)
I love the little illustrations in the manual of a helpful young  lady pointing out things alongside the instructions. Her outfit very nicely dates it, I think.
Not all stuff is useless of course. While doing a bit of soy-fing I spotted this great vintagey fairisle cardi at Matalan of all places. Not a shop I frequent I admit, but this was too cute to miss.
 Look, it's got puffy sleeves!
Yes, I like stuff. And the great thing is, there's always more where that came from!