I'm in the process of setting up a newsletter function on the site so new customers can then subscribe. Until then, I will always mention new uploads here on my blog. There will be more coming soon as I am snowed under with lot's of new things!
I've been a bit tardy about the giveaway but I finally got around to choosing Molly as the winner as I'm a sucker for any animal related story. I've got a very pretty vintage china cup and saucer for you as well a couple of other bit's and bob's so I hope you like them. Email me please with your address details.
I'm finding it very hard to get back into the swing of things blogging wise since turning my comments back on. I do try and get around for a read but commenting everywhere I would like to is something I still find very time consuming and time is something I just don't have to spare now the gardening season is kicking in as well as everything else. It's a lot of work looking after a quarter of an acre all on your own! (well, mostly on my own!)
I'm plodding on though. I''ll stretch myself as far as I can and no further. "C'est la vie" as they say!
Enjoy the weekend x
PS. I'd really appreciate it if you could find time to vote in my poll (at top of sidebar) and help me out with a little bit of market research! Comments welcome on this subject too. Thanks! x