Monday, November 24, 2008

A snowy Sunday

Well, any plans I had for spending yesterday doing a bit of light gardening went out the window as you can see! I get very excited at snow as we don't tend to get much here on the east coast. By mid morning the sky had cleared, the sun was shining and we were left with quite a good covering.

Betty doesn't quite know what to do when it snows as her pecking and scratching activities are put on hold while the ground is covered up. In fact she spent a good part of the morning sitting in the utility room and/or kitchen, drinking out of Jacks bowl, dropping the odd little 'walnut whip' and chatting to us.

Outside her footprints told us where she'd ventured....not far!

She also decided she was going to choose yesterday as the day to start're only a month late Betty! I really thought she wasn't bothering this year. I keep all the little fluffy ones and put them in an old chemists bottle.

There was plenty of evidence in the garden of other visitors....

...and a certain husband came running in saying he'd made me a present...don't give up the day job dear; it was a sweet thought though!

After being cooped up in the house all morning, we decided to chance a drive across the wolds to Horncastle for a spot of 'antiquing'. It was wild and woolly up there!

I was very restrained and just bought a vintage tree fairy and this great advertising sign. Hilarious! I'm now going to make it my mission to find a 'sporty'.

I have another fairy identical to this that I bought for 30p in a charity shop. They're going for about £20 - £25 on ebay at the mo. She was a bit more than that (30p I mean!) but still a good buy.

Well, in a couple of hours I'm off out for the evening to see Steve Coogan in Nottingham. A four hour round trip which I wouldn't do to see many people but Alan Partridge is one of them. I'm a huge Alan fan.
Then A has to get up at the crack of dawn to drive to Kent, poor thing.
I'll leave you with a bit of Alan to amuse you...if he's half as good as this on stage I'll be very happy and will consider that nightmare journey a mere inconvenience! It was a very difficult choice choosing a clip but this is a definite many great lines!

"spinal column in a bap"
**SHOP UPDATE** A few more Christmas goodies have been added!